Customer Testimonials

Here we let our existing customers do the talking ...

 “… 100% satisfied with the excellent service and craftsmanship provided by Liberty. We would recommend them to other plastic suppliers that are looking for new shops to work with. Brian, Pat and Jeff do an excellent job … very thankful for their efforts!!!!”

“Liberty has met every deadline that we have given them and some have been very tough to meet.”

“Liberty has awesome technical knowledge and has helped [our company] solve part problems by making great suggestions for engineering changes. I consider Liberty personnel as a direct extension of [our] staff.”

“Great quality, excellent craftsmanship.”

“You have been very responsive to my needs. I appreciate your input when working as a team with the customer.”

“Liberty has always gone the extra mile to give full service to their customer. They deliver a high-quality product in a timely manner at a fair price.”

“Liberty often will take the more complex tools and tool programs and produces high quality products.”

Liberty Molds - Known For Our Attention To All The Details